1x .com/com.au domain 1x personal portfolio website (5 Pages) 1x shared cpanel hosting 24/7 whatsApp support
Server Configuration
SSD 20x Faster 8000 MB Web space
80000 MB Monthly Bandwidth
10 Domains
50 Sub-domains
50 MySQL Databases
100 Email Accounts
50 FTP Accounts
Note- Your supplied content and graphics will replace the demo content and graphics in the final version. we will require your resume to complete the order.
Server Configuration
SSD 20x Faster 8000 MB Web space
80000 MB Monthly Bandwidth
10 Domains
50 Sub-domains
50 MySQL Databases
100 Email Accounts
50 FTP Accounts
Note- Your supplied content and graphics will replace the demo content and graphics in the final version. we will require your agency profile to complete the order.
Server Configuration
SSD 20x Faster 8000 MB Web space
80000 MB Monthly Bandwidth
10 Domains
50 Sub-domains
50 MySQL Databases
100 Email Accounts
50 FTP Accounts
Note- Your supplied content and graphics will replace the demo content and graphics in the final version. we will require your business profile to complete the order.